Monday, February 17, 2014

(2nd dose) With this one pill, cure all forms of poverty.

From the diamond desk of                        
I. C. Clinton                                                                   
A cure for poverty of the mind and the pocket
Subject: What successful people             
do that you should start doing


To live fully in soul, a person must have love, and love is denied fullest expression by poverty. A person's highest happiness is found in the bestowal of benefits on those he loves; love finds its fullest expression in giving. The individual who has nothing to give cannot fill his space as a spouse or a parent, as a citizen, or as a human being. – Wallace D. Wattles.

A poor man is a shadow. Most people use him as they would a doormat.

“Clinton, the poor will always be around, so live with it and just show some pity.”

Pity the poor? How does that help? Poverty is already a very pitiful word and a pitiable condition. And you want to add “pity” to “poverty”? Jesus! You can’t help the poor by showing them pity. You can only help the poor by doing two things:

1) Becoming rich: Since you can never be poor enough to help the poor become rich.

2) Doing what I am doing now: Opening the eyes of the poor so that they can see the light and be able to walk out of the dark prison of poverty and dead world of debt and step into the glorious light of liberty and living world of wealthy living.  

I tell you sincerely, nobody likes poverty, and nobody likes the poor. This is a fact anybody will hate to admit. Yet this fact is an indisputable fact of life. If it weren’t, why would people be trying to help the poor out of poverty? I bet even The World Bank doesn’t like either the poor or poverty. If they did, why would they be fighting so hard (as they claim they are doing anyway!) to eradicate or even alleviate poverty?  Let’s not fool ourselves, nobody likes poverty and nobody likes the poor.  Even the poor hates poverty and they hate their state and that is one of the reasons for the old saying, “Poverty is an orphan, riches have many relatives.” That’s the reason they will not hesitate to dump poverty if they figured out how.  “POVERTY” Oh no, that word should be erased from the Dictionary! Can you begin now to produce a dictionary where there would be no poverty?

“Hey!  Clinton there is a reason why people are poor. Life is not just fair; things are difficult in the world: the rich keeps getting richer while the poor keeps getting poorer every day; things are bad; this whole thing is a fraud. Let’s face the facts, if you don’t belong to the elite club there is no way for you, you can’t even play in the national team if you aren’t connected. It is not easy to succeed in this cruel world if you do not belong.”

Really?! That sounds like a reasonable excuse… but the only reason in it is that it is a “sound.”  Guess what? It is nothing more.  Losers know very well how to create fancy excuses, but whoever got any help from those! I used to be a loser too, but I never got help from any of the fancy excuses I manufactured while a loser. You wanted us to face the facts, right? OK. Let’s give it a try. 

In this same world you are condemning; people have started from scratch and built enormous wealth. In the same country or state where you live there are folks flourishing in business while others are fooling around and busy doing nothing. Under the same conditions, the same weather, and the same economic climate, some people are succeeding while some are failing. In the same class rooms some students are studying while others are sniffing around for cheap gossip. In the same organization some are brains while some are buffoons. In the same church some are clean and some are unclean. In the same field some are players and some are referees. In the same school some are pupils and some are teachers. In the same company some are the bosses who make the rules while others are “rule players” who follow the rules till they tire and retire or drop dead in the so called “tarry till you tire” job track. In the same home some are responsible while others are irresponsible. In the game of life as in the world, some are losers while some are winners. 

Those are called….. “Cold Facts”!

So who has an excuse, and what does that mean to anyone? Nobody has any reasonable reason to remain poor, either mentally or financially. Being poor at one time or another is not really the problem, but remaining poor is. Remaining in poverty and feeling comfortable is a problem more pitiable than poverty itself.   No poor person has a tenable excuse to remain poor, because this present world is rich, both in wisdom and in wealth. There has never been as much wealth in the world as there is today in our time. The 21st century has seen more wealth, more achievements, more performers and performance and more millionaires than any other century in human history. So the poor’s claim that our world is bankrupt is not true. The assumption that this present world doesn’t have enough treasure to give enough pleasure to all the living is false; there is no truth in it. There is no iota of truth in the claim that this world is cruel. This world is full of treasure. This world is fun. I know this for a fact because I know many people who are living in affluence while others are languishing in squalor. I know many who are having the fun of their lives living in this pleasant and enjoyable world of ours that you called “cruel”. In business, in sports, in science, in the academia, in arts, I know a lot of folks who are making it while others are mercilessly marring their chances. I know many young men and women who are succeeding while others are failing. Take it from me; I know a lot of winners in spite of the presence of many losers.

“Clinton you need to understand that majority of the folks who are making it are from privileged backgrounds; most of them were born into privileged homes; they were born into wealth – they were born aristocrats” 

Codswallop! In losers paradise excuse is an acceptable pill, but not in winner’s world. In our world nobody accepts such puppy pill, it is considered useless and fit only for a lazy man.  I have seen somebody who was born into wealth but grew up to become an adult born-again pauper. And I have seen a boy who was born into poverty but grew up to become a self-made multimillionaire. The problem is not whether you were born into wealth or into poverty, the problem is that you have refused to do something to change your status for the better – you have refused to join winners on the winning way. The problem is not your place of birth or where you live.  The problem is one thing and one thing only – and that thing is – you. You are the problem because you have a very wrong mindset and therefore have accepted the wrong rule – the rule of rigidity and stagnation – as “the rule of life”. The only other rule you have accepted is the so-called “rules of work,” as a good dog that will never bark and will never take anything for himself except whatever crumbs he is given. You are the problem because you have refused to reject the rules handed down to you by uncle Gov. and his acolytes who are all dream killers and parasites masquerading as donors and poverty eradicators. You are the problem because you have refused to break the useless rules forced down your throat by others by simply becoming the boss of your own life. You are the problem because you have refused to find out what winners do and do the same. You have refused to become your own man and take charge of your own life. You have refused to design your own destiny and create your own future. You have refused to become the leader who makes the rules and not the lame duck who follows other people’s rules. Until you decide to do that, you will remain in losers’ zone.

“So Clinton what do winners do, what do successful people do to succeed?”

That’s the very reason I created this blog. I didn’t create this blog because I think I know how to write and want to show off my writing skill. On the contrary, I am very poor at writing. In fact I am so poor at writing that I can’t even match the writing skills of the kindergarten poets of my nursery school days. So you may be willing to forgive my poetic poverty and continue reading so that you can capture the capsule cool enough to cure your condition. But maybe I am doing something about that poverty of mine right now!  I created this blog because of you. Yes, you … you … You the bench-warmer who wants to improve his game and become a regular star player or a 90-degree cyclical superstar.  You the aspiring entrepreneur who wants to turn his hobby or pet project into a profitable business enterprise, or the go-slow entrepreneur who wants to get fired up to a level where he will be able to transform his go-slow business into a fast-growing cashcow. You the worker bee who wants to become the big boss who makes the rules everyone else must play by. You the underdog who wants to become the top dog and a respected achiever.  You Joe Average who wants to become Johnnie Walker or Solomon Wise. You the Ostrich who wants to become a winner wolf…  This blog is for you. I created it to tell you what you should know but do not yet know. I created it to show you what smart guys do and how you can start doing it too. I want to show you how predators catch their prey. If you continue to follow my lead I will show you how performers perform and how achievers achieve. I will show you how progressives progress. I will show you how wealth creators create wealth and how winners win. 

All winners are leaders and leaders do not wait to be forced to do what they ought to do, they ask to be guided and once given a hint, they do the appropriate thing: they pay attention and read or listen carefully, because while they may take instructions, they don’t like to be forced into taking orders, only loafers like that. Yes, there are loafers and there are leaders. Loafers dislike work and therefore idle about and end up having hunger for dinner and poverty as their sleeping place. On the other hand, leaders enjoy smart work and therefore inherit wealth and dwell in kings’ palaces. While loafers fail to read and learn and therefore end up becoming losers, leaders read and learn to lead. You get to choose which one you are or which you want to become, and if you choose right, I am your man, I am here to show you how successful people succeed and how you too can succeed. 

Now you might want to drop your sentiments and biases and follow my lead so that I can show you the Pathway to Wealth

“Spill the beans, Clinton … How do winners win …. What do successful people do to succeed?”

There has got to be a way to do it better and make it better.

All Winners take one pill – a mental pill that powers their walk up the pathway to wealth. All successful people play a smart mind game called, Sixth-Sensing. They practice and master an art known in “big dreamers’” world as Sixth-Sensing

“And what in the world is Sixth-Sensing? Tell me more, please.”

I am glad you asked. 
You may ask me for more fish because I just returned from a riverine area with fish enough to feed the hungry soul.

The revolutionary revelation continues on this blog. Join the winning team… Don’t miss the 3rd dose of the all-time powerful pill that cures all forms of poverty and fills you up with real passion for real progress.  Remain connected!

Guess what I am doing? Well, if you stick around long enough, you will find out...


Until next time.

Your man,

- I. C. Clinton

Pictures are from:


All it takes to become a winner is a change of mindset. Change your thought process -- change your life. Move yourself -- move the world.
Start with Sixth-Sensing. Start now!

  1. And by the way, can you put this in a book.

  2. Yes Uncle Clinton,you are my man...lets start by having the right mentality and this we may achieve through proper planning..'a good plan today is better than a perfect plan tommorow'..lets start thinking and aiming towards creating our own world cause 'thoughts are the goalers of fate'..i would be back for more dose of pills from the boss of Sixth-Sensing..christ i love this!!!
